Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Idomeni- EU buffer zone 4.12.2016

In late 80s, early 90s the whole world was aware about Yugoslavian doom. The Slovenian rat was the first one that abandoned the sinking ship called Yugoslavia.
Almost 26 years later, nothing has changed. Still the same hatred between Croatian and Serbs, Bosnian and Albanians, Albanians and Macedonians, Macedonians and citizens of Kosovo....and it goes over and over again... lot of conflicts, crises,blood and hatred spreading ended like myths and stories to tell where testimonials are mass graves and huge case files in International Criminal Tribunal in The Hague.

I do thing that this goes on EUs and NATOs back, because they did nothing during the crises to help with creation on any solution.Now this area is ziom for crime, drugs, weapons and human trafficking. The other thing is that EU cannot intervene in countries sovereignty.Its left to themselves, and that is not so productive as we can see. There is lack of democracy ,at least the one that most of the western countries are ruled by.

Today, all eyes are toward this region - Balkans. Because of the refugee crises. The thing that is bothering me is miss-usage of Macedonian defense policy, for gaining political points by other neighboring countries.

I shell not discuss how Macedonia is ruled, or how democratic it is, at least not now, but it have right to defend its own territory and sovereignty. If there its decision that the Balkan route is closed, and there are ongoing transfers from EU to Turkey, and every attempt to enter in Macedonian territory is illegal, and I dont mean like sneaking in the bushes and crossing the border, but violent riot that have consequences on the military power, than the same power can use proportional right to react.
The interesting thing in conflicts is the gaining on strategic power. In this case can be sympathy by the media and huge international pressure. Usage of the most vulnerable category (women and children) always works in rising more tension and intolerance.

And all of this happening in Idomeni, the border between Macedonia as non-EU member state, and Greece as entrance gate for the refugee and EU member state. This is EU buffers zone. The other thing that its kind of making me irritable, is the lack of cooperation between this two countries.
 I never play the blame game, and  I think that they should not too. If they dont cooperate, than the country that is left to itself, should find solutions applicable to its norms and resources, and obtain them without giving admission to anyone.

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